An honest list of things that turn me on

For years I have been told that my sex drive is abnormally high, and after collecting anecdotal data from everyone and anyone who would talk to me about it, I am inclined to agree.  I am frequently plagued by sexual desire that never ceases, never rests, and is always underneath just about every moment of my life. While much of the time it can be a lot of fun to be so easily and so constantly turned on, there are other times when it is inconvenient and I would really rather be able to focus on something other than sex. For your entertainment, here is a list of things that turn me on or make me think about sex.

Laughing: being made to laugh almost always results in physical arousal for me. The funnier the joke or circumstance, the more turned on I get. A man with a sense of humor is a MUST.

Eating good food: food has always been sensual to me, and the better the food is the hornier it makes me. Being able to share a delicious meal with someone is an even bigger turn on.

Exercise: If I am sweating I am usually horny. This can be uncomfortable when I am at the gym. Gyms are notorious for being "meat markets" as it is, so sometimes I will be getting in some good squats, breaking a sweat and really getting my blood up when I happen to make eye contact with a stranger who has been checking me out for an unknown amount of time. Suddenly noticing that while I have been getting turned on by my workout, someone else has been getting turned on by me is uncomfortable and embarrassing and usually will send me running away.

Actions movies: OK, I know this is weird, and I'm not sure why, but action movies totally do it for me. With as hyper sexual as I am, I guess it is sort of odd that I don't really enjoy porn, but I just don't. I love a good, cheesy action movie. The more gratuitous violence, explosions and one-liners, the better! And just so you don't get it twisted, I'm team Willis, never Gibson.

Surprises: Being surprised gets my blood moving, not really more complicated than that.

Pain: I know what you're thinking, you jumped immediately to rough and kinky sex, and while yes, those things are awesome and I do love them, I am also turned on by pain in general. I am not a masochist, which is to say that I don't engage in self-harming behaviors, nor do I seek out pain on purpose, but if I experience prolonged or intense pain of any kind, I am sure to be physically aroused. For example, when I was recovering from knee surgery the pain was incredibly intense, but worse than the pain was the insatiable desire it caused. I was so horny it was misery and I was bound up in a cast and could do very little about my needs. It was hell.

Chocolate: I eat chocolate, I get horny. Not really very complicated at all.

Learning: I guess this is a weirder one, but being engaged intellectually turns me on physically. For example I once spent an entire summer learning to tear apart and reassemble engines in race boats. Yes really. Being totally immersed in learning something new is always a huge turn on for me and at the time I was getting to know this guy that I had the most intense attraction to (and have since married), and he was a mechanic and invited me to come turn wrenches. Getting dirty and sweaty together was obviously sexy, but it was more than that, it was that he answered every single question I had in extreme detail, no matter how many times I needed the same things explained to me over and over again. As I began to understand the motor we were working on, my interest grew and since then it has remained a source of fascination for me. This is just one example. If something, anything fascinates me and makes me want to learn more, then the hunt for knowledge is on and while I am in pursuit, all of my neurons are firing at maximum speed and the whole world becomes and erogenous zone. It makes life heady and exciting, and if I am being honest, occasionally exhausting.

I don't really have a way to end this post gracefully, and so I won't.


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