A list of places I would rather be and things I would rather be doing

I am stuck at work today on a day when I really just don't want to be here at all. I am exhausted because I got very little sleep because I was up all night having the most incredible sex. When I got up this morning, I didn't give fucks about my appearance. I barely got a brush through my hair and I didn't put on any make up, just showered, threw on some clothes and headed out the door. Now here I sit, squirming and shifting every few moments because I am so sore I can't sit comfortably, and I can't focus on work because all I want to do is leave here and go do it all over again. Christ on toast! That man fucks like a viking! All I can think about is how much I want to get done with work and go do it all over again, although I am not entirely certain how wise that would be, given my current physical state, but fuck, it just might be worth it. And so, because I cannot focus on work, here is a list of things I would rather be doing, and places I would rather be than work.

1. Knitting: yes, really, I do knit. And I find it relaxing. What up, my knittah?

2. Hiking: I love a good hike, perhaps Dreamboat and I could go walking around in the wilderness until we find a nice tree to screw up against.

3. At the movies: I haven't been kicked out of a theater for inappropriate touching since I was 17. I think I might be long overdo.

4. Eating: Whenever I have some really excellent sex, I crave sweets. Right now I think I could eat my own body weight in cheesecake.

5. Bubble bath: I take a bath every day, but right now I could really go for one of those long, hot baths with candles and lit and a glass of wine and a bunch of chocolates and maybe my favorite waterproof vibrator.

6. Doodling: I like to draw robots and monsters and not think about stuff.

7. In & Out: I could seriously go for a burger right now.

8. Sleeping. Yeah, I think more than anything else, I need a nap.

So that concludes this completely pointless blog post. I was going to be smarter, I swear I meant to write something smart, but Dreamboat fucked my brains out, I will have to wait until I regai my wits to be clever again. Thanks for reading.


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