A comprehensive guide for women dealing with jerks on the internet: Men can read too!
As long as I have been using the internet, I have been dealing with sexual harassment. I know this is nothing new, I know I'm not the only one, and I know that writing honestly about it is very likely to illicit yet more harassment, but all the same, I believe that remaining silent serves only to permit the nastiest of behaviors in our fiber-optically linked society. So here it goes. A comprehensive guide to dealing with an abusive asshole on the internet: First things first! I do realize that most people are perfectly decent and reasonable and that not all men are lecherous, ignorant scum bags. Most men do not appreciate being automatically lumped in with the legions of jerks which exist in cyber space. This post is not directed at reasonable men who do not abuse, belittle or intimidate women. This post is directed at the dick-pic sending assholes that think all women online owe them attention and interaction. Did you know that many men think that just by being a woman with...