Let's see if this one sticks

This must be the millionth blog I have tried to start. I don't know why, but every time I start a blog, I never seem to make it past the first three posts. In fact, any time I try to start anything I seem to have a hard time staying consistent. My home is filled with half finished craft projects, all representations of good ideas gone awry. If you aren't the kind of person who has trouble finishing things, you probably don't understand. But if you are, if you are also forgetful, tend toward procrastination, or suffer from manic depression then you know exactly what I am talking about. The burst of energy and creativity that inspires the craft or piece of writing or new task rarely last long enough to carry me through its completion and what I am most often left with is a sense of emptiness and failure. It seems simple enough and I hear it from the people around me in one way or another pretty often: "if you want to finish things, then just FINISH THINGS." And yes, of course that seems like the most reasonable response to something as stupid as "I hate myself for never being able to finish anything," but it just doesn't cut it. It is hard to explain and it sound ridiculous when I try. I mean, would you take me seriously if I said to you "I started to crochet this beautiful blanket and it was making me really happy, then I had to go get a glass of water and by the time I came back, the sight of the thing filled me with such disgust that I put it in a box and never finished it"? No, you would likely not understand that at all. And blogging is the same as anything else I have ever tried to do. I feel as though I have a lot to say and that saying it would do me a fair bit of good, but once I get rolling I just cannot seem to maintain that momentum. but this is the first blog I have ever started that is just for the purpose of me writing what ever comes to mind. I have blogged in the past about my various careers (of which there are many because of aforementioned issues with sticking with things) or my various hobbies (again, there are many), but never just about me and my life. It makes me feel vaguely self conscious and sort of like a tool for starting it in the first place because by starting a blog I am sort of assuming that there are people out there who want to read what I have to say and who should give a damn about it, when really there is no reason anyone should. Everyone has their own story, their own issues their own life and mine isn't any more important than any one else's. all the same, I am going to give this a shot and here's to hoping I make it past the first three posts. If you're still reading, sincerely, thank you.


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